Reflections for Woodwinds, Cymbal and Concrete 2023
Reflections for Woodwinds, Cymbal and Concrete is a site-specific spatial composition that utilizes the unique acoustic qualities of the iconic arches running under the 7 train in Queens, NY. Written for 5 saxophones and 1 percussionist, the musicians move while playing the composition under the arches. The arches have strong resonant qualities that increase in length the closer you are to the center of each arch. Using this information, I composed a score that directed performers to play specific parts in different directions and areas under the arches. As the performers play through the piece and read the score, they change positions and move based on a basic map of the arches that the score is written within. This allows the performers to orient themselves in the space, and play the music successfully.
This composition was realized with the help of the MTA archives department, that were so kind as to provide me with the original track blueprints for subway tracks in NYC. I derived notation patterns from them as a way to integrate this part of history into my compositional process.
Audio and video below